Julien is from the eastern part of France, right between Lyon and Geneva. Foodwise it is perhaps the richest concentration of gastronimie with the wines of Burgundy, Jura and the Rhône valley, cheeses like époisse, comté and raclette, charcuterie lyonnaise and countless mythical recipes.
At the brasserie you will find this influence of authentic french cuisine, rich and indulgent.
You can also call: 02 4879 9120 to make a reservation.
1-3 Wingecarribee St Bowral NSW 2576
Open lunch and dinner from Wednesday to Saturday and lunch only on Sunday.
You can come dine, celebrate or just have a sip and a snack on our terrace. Unique in Bowral we have a succession of intimate cosy rooms ideal for a date, a familly reunion or business talk.